Flowers, Parts One and Two
The moment you’ve all been waiting for, my darlings, is at hand! That’s right! Parts One and Two of Flowers, my short story sequel to The Lady of the Vineyard, is coming to you … right here … right now! Okay, so maybe none of you actually want to read this story. Whatever. Comment and say […]
Anchor in the Storm by Sarah Sundin
Title: Anchor in the Storm Author: Sarah Sundin Series: Waves of Freedom, #2 Genre: Christian Historical Romance/Mystery Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: Boston, Massachusetts (USA) Publisher: Revell Books Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 2/5. No language. It’s set during a war. Some violence and such connected with that, though nothing graphic. There’s […]
Beyond the Horizon by Jesseca Wheaton
Title: Beyond the Horizon Author: Jesseca Wheaton Genre: Fairytale Retelling/Christian Fiction/Romance Age-Range: 12+ (upper middle grade/young adult) Era: late 1930s (pre-WW2) Setting: Austria Publisher: Jesseca Wheaton Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Rating: 4/5 stars Content: 1/5. I can’t think of a lot. I, personally, had no content problems whatsoever. I guess the ‘evil […]
The Show by John A. Heldt
Title: The Show Author: John A. Heldt Series: Northwest Passage, #3 Genre: Science Fiction Romance (time travel) Age-Range: 14+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2), contemporary, and 1918 (post-WW1) Setting: London, England Publisher: John A. Heldt Source: author (in exchange for an honest review) Rating: 3/5 stars Content: 3/5. Some language (just a few times, though). […]
Blue Skies Tomorrow by Sarah Sundin
Title: Blue Skies Tomorrow Author: Sarah Sundin Series Wings of Glory, #3 Genre: Historical Adventure/Romance Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: California (USA), England, France/Germany Publisher: Revell Books Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 3/5 stars. No language. There’s a war going on, which Jack participates in. People are dying, planes are being shot […]
A Memory Between Us by Sarah Sundin
Title: A Memory Between Us Author: Sarah Sundin Series: Wings of Glory, #2 Genre: Historical Adventure/Romance Age-Range: 15+ (upper young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: England Publisher: Revell Books Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 3/5. First, obviously, there is a war going on, planes are being shot down, people are dying/almost dying/being gravely wounded. […]
Through Waters Deep by Sarah Sundin
Title: Through Waters Deep Author: Sarah Sundin Series: Waves of Freedom, #1 Genre: Christian Historical Adventure/Romance/Mystery Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: Boston, Massachusetts, United States Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 2/5. Some violence, nothing too graphic. A lot of suspense. No real sexual content except a few […]
A Distant Melody by Sarah Sundin
Title: A Distant Melody Author: Sarah Sundin Series: Wings of Glory, #1 Genre: Christian Historical Adventure/Romance Age-Range: 14+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: California (USA) and England Publisher: Fleming H. Revell Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 3/5. It’s actually really clean. I tried to explain it up here, but it got too long. […]
The Mine by John A. Heldt
The Mine by John A. Heldt Northwest Passage, #1 In May 2000, Joel Smith is a cocky, adventurous young man who sees the world as his playground. But when the college senior, days from graduation, enters an abandoned Montana mine, he discovers the price of reckless curiosity. He emerges in May 1941 with a cell […]