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Flowers, Parts One and Two

The moment you’ve all been waiting for, my darlings, is at hand! That’s right! Parts One and Two of Flowers, my short story sequel to The Lady of the Vineyard, is coming to you … right here … right now! Okay, so maybe none of you actually want to read this story. Whatever. Comment and say […]

In Which We Examine Millie Lark on a Non-Professional Basis

Today we’re going to take a peak at the inner workings of a character from The Lady of the Vineyard. Her name is Millie Lark. She is Adele Collier’s best friend. She gets all of two paragraphs of page-time in TLOTV and perhaps a mention in Flowers. However, I like Millie and am considering writing a […]

A Lasting Impression by Tamera Alexander

Title: A Lasting Impression Author: Tamera Alexander Series: Belmont Mansion, #1 Genre: Historical Romance Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult) Era: late 1860s (Reconstruction) Setting: Nashville, Tennessee Publisher: Bethany House Publishers Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 2/5. No language. No violence, though there is a horse-riding accident. A couple kisses, the average falling in love/attraction stuff. […]

The Mirror by John A. Heldt

Title: The Mirror Author: John A. Heldt Series: Northwest Passage, #5 Genre: Science Fiction (time-travel) Romance Age-Range: 15+ (upper young adult/adult) Era: futuristic (2020) and 1960s Setting: Seattle, Washington Publisher: John A. Heldt Source: author (in exchange for honest review) Rating: 4/5 stars Content: 4/5. A star was removed for content. No violence (though mentions […]

An Experiment in Pantsing: Introduction

I’m a plotter, through and through. The more I plot, the better my novel turns out. However, I want to experiment in pantsing. So today I started the fourth novel in The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy. With no outlining. With no character…ing. With no plotting. Welcome to my experiment in pantsing. Ready for this? […]

Anchor in the Storm by Sarah Sundin

Title: Anchor in the Storm Author: Sarah Sundin Series: Waves of Freedom, #2 Genre: Christian Historical Romance/Mystery Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: Boston, Massachusetts (USA) Publisher: Revell Books Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 2/5. No language. It’s set during a war. Some violence and such connected with that, though nothing graphic. There’s […]

Guest Post: Too Young to Write?

Hello guys! Today we’re having another guest post. It was written by Miss Libby Beth, who … I just met. I mean, I feel like I just met her, but I kinda know her from YWP NaNoWriMo. At least, I think I do … but I keep getting people mixed up. I even mix up ‘famous’ NaNo folks. I […]

A Bunch of Random (Fun!) Updates

This post will just be updating you on a lot of random (and hopefully fun) stuff as it says in the title. Be sure to like, comment, and share. Trust me, the fun is really fun. 😛 (Hint: pretty big discounts on my novels!) Hi folks! Guess what? I published my first story on Noble Novels! […]

Christmas In Theory

In theory, Christmas is a ton Of joyfulness and merry fun Of presents gifted from the heart Of puddings and plums and strawberry tarts In theory, fir needles never fall Off a tree, which isn’t too tall Or too short, too fat, too dead And Christmas carols don’t hurt you head By being sung just […]

Beyond the Horizon by Jesseca Wheaton

Title: Beyond the Horizon Author: Jesseca Wheaton Genre: Fairytale Retelling/Christian Fiction/Romance Age-Range: 12+ (upper middle grade/young adult) Era: late 1930s (pre-WW2) Setting: Austria Publisher: Jesseca Wheaton Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Rating: 4/5 stars Content: 1/5. I can’t think of a lot. I, personally, had no content problems whatsoever. I guess the ‘evil […]

Five Secrets of Description

Confession: I don’t actually have five ‘secrets,’ per se. But I have a bunch of stuff I think people should remember when writing description. So don’t actually take my advice. That’s right. Just read it, like it, comment on it … then forget it. It’s best for you and the posterity who would otherwise have […]

The Show by John A. Heldt

Title: The Show Author: John A. Heldt Series: Northwest Passage, #3 Genre: Science Fiction Romance (time travel) Age-Range: 14+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2), contemporary, and 1918 (post-WW1) Setting: London, England Publisher: John A. Heldt Source: author (in exchange for an honest review) Rating: 3/5 stars Content: 3/5. Some language (just a few times, though). […]