5 (Absolutely True) Facts about Redheads

As you probably know (because I paste my face all over the internet like a conceited monkey), I have red hair. Well, it’s actually more auburn, but red is red is red. Even if it’s not. There are a lot of myths floating around about redheads. For instance, some people believe all redheads are witches. […]

The Child from the Sea by Elizabeth Goudge

Today, I’m going to be writing a review in a more freestyle format. I read this book for school, and I kind of enjoyed it … and kind of didn’t. Title: The Child from the Sea Author: Elizabeth Goudge Genre: biographical historical fiction Era: 1600s Setting: England, Holland, and France Source: own a copy Overall Rating: […]

Completely Random Updates

Yesterday, I went through my list of post ideas and tried to pick one that would be perfect to publish today. I considered writing about how you should write, but I just posted about naming characters. I consider rambling about my books, but I’ve done that way too much already. Then I considered not posting. […]

What’s up with TDS?

The short answer to the title question is, “Important stuff.” However, I was never one for simplicity. (Actually, I am, but that’s beside the point.) The point is (wait, aren’t statements in parenthesis technically barred from the main text?) that I need a subject for a spotlight, and you need to know what’s going on […]

Five Once a Stratton Quirks

While writing my current works-in-progress, Once a Stratton, I’ve noticed a few things that just don’t add up … or are simply not supposed to be there. I decided, instead of calling them ‘errors,’ to call them ‘quirks.’ It’s my sneaky way of getting you to read about me being stupid without even knowing it. […]

The Dos and Don’ts of Naming Characters

  We’ve all struggled with it. Character naming. There’s nothing quite so tortuous as this monster (except perhaps book-titling, but that’s not what we’re talking about today). You want your character to have the perfect, original pre nomen to go with their perfect, original personality … but what is that? Now, since this is obviously […]

Mercer Street by John A. Heldt

Title: Mercer Street Author: John A. Heldt Series: American Journey, #2 Genre: Time Travel Romance (Science Fiction) Era: contemporary and 1938 (pre-WW2) Setting: United States (Princeton, New Jersey) Publisher: John A. Heldt Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Overall Rating: 3/5 stars (1 star removed for content)

May 2017 Dares

Whoa. It’s … it’s May already? But … but … I wasn’t finished with April yet! *sobs* I WANT MORE APRIL!!! I want to spend more time working on Once a Stratton. I want to have more time to work on IvIn and TDS. I don’t want more of this weather, though. Rain, rain, rain. […]

10 Books That Make Me Cry

I don’t cry a lot. And when I do, I’m usually not crying about one thing so much as a bunch of things. But yes, some books do make me cry … or at least make my eyes water. And these are my top ten. Not in any particular order because, to be honest, who […]

April 2017 Mini Reviews

Well, it’s time for another round of mini reviews! 😀 Amazing Grace by Faith Blum 3/5 stars I was really looking forward to this book, but I didn’t enjoy it as much as I thought I would. First, the timeline was confusing. There were flashbacks (which, to me, are usually a no-no), and it started before […]

Why You Should Read a Variety of Genres

Most of my reviews are of historical fiction … more specifically, Christian historical romance novels. I primarily read this genre for the following reasons: I love historical settings. To me, the past is a completely different world that actually existed. There were no “good old days”? Think again! I love romance. I don’t know why, […]

Moanings of a Brain Dead Teen

Yesterday was Easter, and now we have a very light week of school as my dad’s on vacation (#homeschoolcool). And let me tell you, I need it. My mind is a lot of spinning cogs and gears, all whirling a hundred miles a minute. When you throw in algebra mixed with shapes, ancient languages mixed with […]