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June Character Studies ~ Comfort

Well, another Character Studies has come around! As some (most, that is) of you probably know, Character Studies is hosted by Morgan Dusky ( She has the coolest blog you ever saw! Her characters have (supposedly) possessed it, and they write the posts. Very entertaining (and informative). Today, as usual, I’ll be doing Parts 1 […]

Interview with Laurel Garver

Hello everyone! Today (or rather tonight) I’ll be interviewing Laurel Garver, author of Almost There. Her favorite color is plum, partially (or completely?) due to her love of our dear Professor (points for getting the reference!). You know, at some point you’re all going to have to call these points … Anyway, on with the interview!  * What’s […]

Almost There by Laurel Garver

Almost There by Laurel Garver Dani Deane, #2 Paris, the City of Lights. To seventeen-year-old Dani Deane, it’s the Promised Land. There, her widowed mother’s depression will vanish and she will no longer fear losing her only parent, her arty New York life, or her devoted boyfriend. But shortly before their Paris getaway, Dani’s tyrannical […]

A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason

A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason Courage to Dream, #2 Can an Irish Lass with a Dream for America Find True Love? Maggie Montgomery’s long-held wish to see America is finally coming true. She’ll visit her beloved brother Rylan and his wife, Colleen, and at the same time, escape Neill Fitzgerald’s unwanted attention. In […]

Interview with John A. Heldt

Well, guys, in the last several weeks I’ve reviewed two books by author John A. Heldt, Indiana Belle and The Mine. And I’ll be interviewing him in pink, because everything’s better with pink, and his answers will be in green, which is his favorite color. Welcome to Reveries, Mr. Heldt. Could you tell me a […]

The Mine by John A. Heldt

The Mine by John A. Heldt Northwest Passage, #1 In May 2000, Joel Smith is a cocky, adventurous young man who sees the world as his playground. But when the college senior, days from graduation, enters an abandoned Montana mine, he discovers the price of reckless curiosity. He emerges in May 1941 with a cell […]

Plot Construction 101: Falling Action (and Resolution)

We’ve come to the conclusion. Wait, I thought we just started this post! Indeed, we did, but this post is about conclusions. Oh, I understand now. Good. Then we can continue. The falling action is the wrapping-up of the novel; resolution is just another name for “conclusion.” It’s meant to be fairly short, as nothing […]

Plot Construction 101: Climax

Well, guys, we’ve come to the climax. What is a climax? It’s the most exciting part of the novel, of course. It’s what we’ve all been waiting for. And now it’s here. And … we’re going to make it a lot less exciting by talking about it. 😉 Essentially, the climax is the coming-together of […]

Back from “Hiatus”

I put it in quotation marks because, though I was technically not blogging for these last couple weeks, I published three posts (all reviews) during that time. 🙂 Well, guys, I’m back, well rested-up now. I’ve finished up school for the year, gotten through the terrors of band concert (which is actually not terrible … and a […]

The Daughter of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky

For some reason I’m having trouble putting my thoughts about this book into words today … so bear with me! The Daughter of Highland Hall by Carrie Turansky Edwardian Brides #2 Eighteen-year-old Katherine Ramsey travels to London with her family to make her debut into society and hopefully find her future husband. Her overbearing aunt […]

Plot Construction 101: Inciting Incident

  Hello, all! Well, it’s time for the next episode in Plot Construction 101, which is basically me summarizing all the stuff you knew, and I didn’t until I started researching it recently because I was having trouble with Ivy Introspective. Today we’ll be talking about the inciting incident. Rising action usually starts with an […]

Plot Construction 101: The Great Pyramid

I’m planning to give y’all a course on plot constructing. Today (Day 1), I’ll be introducing you to The Great Pyramid. No, not that Great Pyramid! This Great Pyramid! 😀 As you can see, it’s sort of more of a great triangle. But, as you don’t want a one-dimensional plot (and as “pyramid” sounds better […]