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Novelists in November ~ a complete breakdown of my plans for the anthology

As some of you may know, Wild Blue Wonder Press is launching a new anthology (like Springtime in Surrey) next November, and our submissions are open now! Though that information has been shared in other areas, I decided I’d better make use of my blog, too, so here are the facts! From the Wild Blue […]

God Only Knows (But Kell Didn’t!)

Now, since it’s Christmas Eve (and the main celebrating day for Kell’s family), you might find it odd that first, I’m posting … and second, I don’t seem to be posting about Christmas. But … I am posting about Christianity! And Christianity is the most Christmasy thing out there, bub. In fact, Christmas is kind […]

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Day 2

Hello ladies and gents! Welcome to the second day of the Beyond Her Calling blog tour! I’m so excited to have you here. Today is theme day! I’m going to talk about the symbolism and the meanings and all that fun jazz – and of course the Christianity stuff. Without further ado, THEME DAY FOR […]

Happy 2017th Birthday, Jesus!

This is going to be short. It’s my last post for the 12 Days of Christmas party; after that, we will TRULY be back to regular posts*. Right now, I’m going to talk about the most important birthday ever! I’ve decided to add some brief authory updates at the end of this post just ’cause […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 6

Here I am on this glorious (103 degree) Sunday afternoon, writing this post and wishing I was in England. Where 80 degrees is a heat wave, according to one of my English friends. Or Scotland. I’d rather be in Scotland than England, to be honest. Or Ireland. Either one. Seriously, though, I don’t mind the […]

Flowers, Part 3

Well, ladies and gents, it’s time for part three of my fantastical short story, Flowers. Are you excited? No? Well … I am. *pouts* I can’t believe you don’t like my book … Oh, you were just teasing? *wipes brow* Whew. I was worried for a minute that you all secretly hating me and were […]

January 2017 Spotlight: Yet Another Peek into the Workings of At Her Fingertips

Another spotlight is upon us, and today I’m going to veer into uncharted waters with a discussion about The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 3: At Her Fingertips. What? you say. You’ve posted thousands of excerpts and quotes and made us read through post upon post about every stage of your outlining and writing process! […]

In Which I Humiliate Myself

Since you all seem to like me, I decided that should change. How am I going to go about changing that? Well, I’m going to post a lot of random excerpts from books I wrote … years ago. For this, I have to go here: Yep. The file folder “No Longer in Use.” *lightning, thunder, […]

In Which We Examine Millie Lark on a Non-Professional Basis

Today we’re going to take a peak at the inner workings of a character from The Lady of the Vineyard. Her name is Millie Lark. She is Adele Collier’s best friend. She gets all of two paragraphs of page-time in TLOTV and perhaps a mention in Flowers. However, I like Millie and am considering writing a […]

December 2016 Dares

Once again we come around to our dares. As I skipped the month of November dare-wise (as all I wanted to do was write At Her Fingertips, which I did succeed at), I have nothing to fill you in on. That’s right. This month you don’t get to scroll through my post laughing maniacally at […]

NaNoWriMo 2016, Update #5

Guess what? That’s right! I currently have 53,462 words. However, I made my goal (50,000) on the 25th. How many more words do I expect to get before November’s up? Well, at most I expect to reach 60,000 … but even that would be a stretch. I think I have that much material story-wise … […]

NaNoWriMo 2016 Update #4

I decided to do the post today as I doubt I’ll have time for one tomorrow – and I’ll be at the beach, anyway – and I obviously didn’t have time for one Monday! 🙂 At 44,594 words (and I haven’t written yet today), I’m zipping along at a pretty decent pace. Can I write 5,406 […]