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Dark Storm Rising by Jesseca Wheaton

Title: Dark Storm Rising Author: Jesseca Wheaton Genre: historical adventure Era: 1938 (WW2) Setting: Austria, Europe Publisher: Jesseca Wheaton Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Overall Rating: 4/5 Dark Storm Rising by Jesseca Wheaton Helena and Max are just two normal cousins living in north-east Austria. But when Hitler takes over Germany and […]

Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz

Title: Courting Morrow Little Author: Laura Frantz Genre: historical adventure/romance Era: late 1700s Setting: Kentucke (Kentucky) frontier, United States Publisher: Revell Source: from library Overall Rating: 3.5/5 Courting Morrow Little by Laura Frantz Morrow Little is haunted by the memory of the day her family was torn apart by raiding Shawnee warriors. Now that she […]

January 2017 Spotlight: Yet Another Peek into the Workings of At Her Fingertips

Another spotlight is upon us, and today I’m going to veer into uncharted waters with a discussion about The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 3: At Her Fingertips. What? you say. You’ve posted thousands of excerpts and quotes and made us read through post upon post about every stage of your outlining and writing process! […]

The Innocent by Willowy Whisper

Title: The Innocent Author: Willowy Whisper Series: Hills of Innocence, #1 Genre: Historical Mystery/Romance Era: probably late 1800s (Old West) Setting: the Old West Publisher: Willowy Whisper Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Overall Rating: 4/5 The Innocent by Willowy Whisper “I wonder who would shoot a girl so young…?” The question haunted […]

Flowers, Parts One and Two

The moment you’ve all been waiting for, my darlings, is at hand! That’s right! Parts One and Two of Flowers, my short story sequel to The Lady of the Vineyard, is coming to you … right here … right now! Okay, so maybe none of you actually want to read this story. Whatever. Comment and say […]

Anchor in the Storm by Sarah Sundin

Title: Anchor in the Storm Author: Sarah Sundin Series: Waves of Freedom, #2 Genre: Christian Historical Romance/Mystery Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: Boston, Massachusetts (USA) Publisher: Revell Books Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 2/5. No language. It’s set during a war. Some violence and such connected with that, though nothing graphic. There’s […]

A Bunch of Random (Fun!) Updates

This post will just be updating you on a lot of random (and hopefully fun) stuff as it says in the title. Be sure to like, comment, and share. Trust me, the fun is really fun. 😛 (Hint: pretty big discounts on my novels!) Hi folks! Guess what? I published my first story on Noble Novels! […]

Beyond the Horizon by Jesseca Wheaton

Title: Beyond the Horizon Author: Jesseca Wheaton Genre: Fairytale Retelling/Christian Fiction/Romance Age-Range: 12+ (upper middle grade/young adult) Era: late 1930s (pre-WW2) Setting: Austria Publisher: Jesseca Wheaton Source: from author (in exchange for honest review) Rating: 4/5 stars Content: 1/5. I can’t think of a lot. I, personally, had no content problems whatsoever. I guess the ‘evil […]

Blue Skies Tomorrow by Sarah Sundin

Title: Blue Skies Tomorrow Author: Sarah Sundin Series Wings of Glory, #3 Genre: Historical Adventure/Romance Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1940s (WW2) Setting: California (USA), England, France/Germany Publisher: Revell Books Source: library Rating: 5/5 stars Content: 3/5 stars. No language. There’s a war going on, which Jack participates in. People are dying, planes are being shot […]

Unbroken by Rebekah A. Morris

Title: Unbroken Author: Rebekah A. Morris Series: Triple Creek Ranch, #1 Genre: Christian/Literary Fiction Age-Range: 12+ (upper middle grade/young adult) Era: 1800s/early 1900s Setting: the West (yes, that is the best I can do!) Publisher: Read Another Page Publishing Source: from author (as a gift) Rating: 4/5 stars Content: 1/5. Mentions of injuries. No language. […]

Hold Me Close by Marguerite Martin Gray

Title: Hold Me Close Author: Marguerite Martin Gray Series: Revolutionary Faith, #1 Genre: Historical Romance Age-Range: 13+ (young adult/adult) Era: 1770s (Revolution) Setting: Charles Town, Virginia Publisher: WestBow Press Source: author (in exchange for honest review) Rating: 4.5/5 stars Content: 2/5. No language. Little violence; mostly mentions of violence, uprisings, impending war, etc. A couple […]

NaNoWriMo 2016, Update #5

Guess what? That’s right! I currently have 53,462 words. However, I made my goal (50,000) on the 25th. How many more words do I expect to get before November’s up? Well, at most I expect to reach 60,000 … but even that would be a stretch. I think I have that much material story-wise … […]