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Street Team Call for Voices of the Future: Stories of Courage & Compassion

GUESS WHAT? I’m getting published in an anthology. AND … There are a couple things that make this story and this anthology really important and really fun. This story features a character you know and love, if you’re a long-time reader. Even if you don’t know and love the character, you’ll want to support our […]

Introducing the Hiltons of Boston ~ A Post for the Like a Ship on the Sea Launch

Today’s post is an intro for a few characters who haven’t shown up in a novel I’ve written yet. Scroll down to read all about the Hiltons of Boston! Also, I’d like to apologize to all the bloggers/Instagrammers/etc. I haven’t checked in with/commented on/so on. Suffice to say, I will never be having my wisdom […]

Sign Up to Support Like a Ship on the Sea

Hey folks! As you know, Like a Ship on the Sea is coming to theaters a book seller near you in a little over a month, and I want to make sure that YOU have an opportunity to … help me. I’m becoming my dad, who always says things like, “Would you like an opportunity […]

What I Do Have I Give You: a tale of paralyzation and ongoing healing

An Introduction with Random Updates It’s not been an easy couple months. It’s not been an easy year. But that’s not surprising, because human life is not easy, and if you expect it to be, well, you’ll be disappointed. But today (meaning earlier this week by the time I’m getting this out) my swing broke […]

Would you like to join my street team?

Guess what, y’all? With my release for Ivy Introspective coming up, I’ve decided to reformat my street team. A street team is a group of readers who are excited to share about an author’s book in one way or another (review, sharing about it on social media, simply telling friends, etc). Soooo … I have […]

Welcome to Reveries Co!

Here’s what you’ve all been waiting for … a book bundle giveaway, HUGE discounts, an amazing Facebook party, and more! Basically, we’ve got it all – and you are welcome to take advantage of them! Enter the giveaway, use the discounts (before they all run out!), and be sure to check out our social media […]

The 1K Contest, Kind, and Reveries Co. {3 Important Updates}

Today I’m going to talk about Kind and other updates. (Kind isn’t the main thing, but given that I’m PUBLISHING A BOOK, I figured it deserved first billing.) But yes, there are other things I have to talk about – and, as the title indicates, those two thinks are a 1K Contest (which you’re totally […]