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April 2019 Dares

HELLLLLLOOOO! March hit me hard. Like, really hard. And I have a ton of catchup. But let’s take some time to write a quick recap even though I’m dead inside. On a sidenote, CAMP NANO IS HERE! And I am so excited! I changed my project Monday to finishing up the Kees & Colliers series […]

March 2019 Dares

HEY THERE! I always forget February is a short month, and honestly, 28 is sooo much less than 30! But here we are. Still alive. I think. I feel like I’m not really up to writing this post, but I am anyway, which is dangerous. *squints at my words, wondering if each one sounds crazy […]

I actually have to read nonfiction?

I’m currently going through a lot of research for my novel-in-progress, Alone in Berlin, and it’s not easy. I’ve written a lot of historical fiction, but this one requires more research than any other I’ve written. Also, I’ve just been working on The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy and the Kees & Colliers series for […]

Who Won Kell’s 1K Contest?

Heyyyyyy, y’all! I’ve been crazy busy! *making up excuses for not getting stuff done* #likeapro #afakepro So yep, I went ahead and skipped this last week both because I was exhausted, sick (feverish symptoms? Might just be girl stuff, but who knows), and I had a bunch of stuff to do. Also, last week basically […]

I’m Back {A Bunch of Updates}

Well. I’m back! And now it’s time for me to tell you about all the stuff I’ve been doing in the last month, etc. So if you’re not a fan of rambly updates, be gone. (I’m just kidding; stick around, anyway. I’ll try to make this not-rambly. Though it’s painful, you know. Like ripping apart […]

And Then Life Changed

Last Sunday the 28th, my grandpa James Clark McCall died. So of course I didn’t do a post Monday … or the rest of the week. I’ve been dropping commitments left and right over this, actually! This is basically going to be a short post in memory of my grandpa, who played an important central […]

October and November Are Coming

So this is going to be a pretty relaxed, quick post explaining all the stuff going on. It’s going to be scary. It’s going to be rushed. But it must be done. Because I care about you not being completely confused through these next two months. So. Without further ado, let me tell you about […]

September 2018 Dares

Guess who totally forgot about her monthly dares until just now? (I’ll give you a hint: it wasn’t you.) It has been a very busy month thus far, between setting up Reveries Co., editing, writing, and planning (lottttsss of planning!), and some things have just slipped through the cracks! However, here I am with my […]

Let’s Catch Up A Little

First of all … I am so proud of my photo-shopping skills. Like, seriously, y’all. Me and my jeep commander and my chocolate Dairy Queen milkshake can go ANYWHERE*. Also, to those of you who are concerned that I’ll drive off the road because I’m not looking + driving one-handed (who needs two hands to drive a […]

God-Defined Dreamer

From movies to books to songs, you hear the resounding message: “Follow your dreams.” And I suppose there is some right in the saying. There’s certainly nothing wrong with working towards your goals.* However, I believe people who feel strongly that following your dreams** is the one way to go have missed Something important. Not […]

Finalizing Tour Details and Proofreading

Only fifteen days until At Her Fingertips releases. Am I nervous? No, not at all! Why would you ask such a silly question? Okay, I’ll admit I’m a little scared. Partially because of the fact that people will be able to purchase my baby … and partially because I have a lot to do in […]

April 2018 Dares

I don’t want March to be over yet. *sniffles* April is going to be super busy, and March was slightly more restful than months past (what with our spring break, having most of  this week off work due to the school’s spring break, and now Easter). On the other hand … I’m excited for April! […]