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February 2019 Dares

Warning: this is going to be a short post because Kell is exhausted and just wants to go back to her secret pleasure, Alone in Berlin. 😅 Since it’s been a while since I did this, let me quickly explain: I try to do monthly posts to “dare” myself to do more in the next month. […]

September 2018 Dares

Guess who totally forgot about her monthly dares until just now? (I’ll give you a hint: it wasn’t you.) It has been a very busy month thus far, between setting up Reveries Co., editing, writing, and planning (lottttsss of planning!), and some things have just slipped through the cracks! However, here I am with my […]

August 2018 Dares (At Long Last!)

Apparently 9 is also too late for me to be writer-ing blog posts? That graphic is my mind spilled out onto Canva. 😂 Yes. Yes, we are still doing this. The Dares shall not end. They were just … temporarily … delayed. I guess. For this post, I’ll just briefly recap what all happened in May and […]

May 2018 Dares

*blinks* Okay, so, April was … pretty crazy? And I only half-survived it, but I’m here, and I’m better, and it’s all good. *two thumbs up* I’m still reeling a bit from April (five days into May, I know, it’s hard to adjust!). So making plans for May feels distant. Combined with the fact that […]

April 2018 Dares

I don’t want March to be over yet. *sniffles* April is going to be super busy, and March was slightly more restful than months past (what with our spring break, having most of  this week off work due to the school’s spring break, and now Easter). On the other hand … I’m excited for April! […]

March 2018 Dares

Well … that month flew by! And I say that practically every month, but this time it was true because there are only twenty-eight days in February (takes me by surprise every time) so the month did fly by. Literally. It was flying past my window the other night, and I was like, “Feb … where […]

February 2018 Dares

Guess what? It’s already the last day of January! Isn’t that beyond unbelievable? Why, I remember December 31st like it was yesterday. *ripple dissolve* Seriously, though, folks. I’m excited for February!* I don’t have a lot of great plans for the month, but I’m glad to be starting anew. A lot of things about January […]

How 2017 Went

Hey there! It’s almost 2018! *much excitement/confusion/anticipation* Can you believe it? I sure can’t. It seemed like only yesterday I was doing that stupid video about New Year’s Resolutions that was super boring. By the way, ‘Remembrance Day’ is apparently sort of the British ‘Veteran’s Day.’ Which makes that one British book I read called […]

September 2017 Dares & Summer Ends

A single tear slid down the girl’s pale cheek. Her lips trembled, and she breathed slowly, evenly to prevent her sobs from ripping from her throat. Her mascara, a sickly dark brown color, stuck to her lower eyelashes, giving the appearance of a tween who has no idea how to do her face. She picked […]

June 2017 Dares

GUYS! It’s June! Can you believe it? It’s like … the best month of the year! Besides August, of course. August is da best. #prejudiced Seriously, though, June marks the end of school and the beginning of summer. I love summer, and I expect a lot to happen in this one. Remember, we’ve got the […]

May 2017 Dares

Whoa. It’s … it’s May already? But … but … I wasn’t finished with April yet! *sobs* I WANT MORE APRIL!!! I want to spend more time working on Once a Stratton. I want to have more time to work on IvIn and TDS. I don’t want more of this weather, though. Rain, rain, rain. […]

April 2017 Dares

Well, March has past, and it’s time to celebrate its going because, to be honest, it really didn’t go so well. Yes, unlike Emily Dickenson, great poet though she may be, I welcome April with open arms. March and I … we had a falling out this year. We were playing soccer, he insulted me, I […]