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We’ve Come a Long Way, Mates

Hello, mates. I’ve been thinking about the future a lot – but, though my mantra could easily be “keep moving forward” (or “live in the moment; work for the future”), I love remembering the past, too. I’ve realized recently as I make plans for the future and think how to enact them in the present […]

Reveries on My Life + Just Chillin’

It’s been a while since I clicked “new post” without either having a post written in another document or having a very clear plan of what I wanted to write. But, as I click on this post, I realize … I don’t want to always be that sort of structured blogger. Sometimes I want to […]

5 Reasons Adulting is Awesome

Hello y’all! I’m seventeen, and I’m not an adult. I graduated from high school and have some part-time jobs (on and off the internet), but I still live with my folks + don’t have to feed or water or walk myself. So. I am nowhere near qualified to write on this subject, but you know what? […]

A Fish + My Crazy Life + More Delays

We all have ’em … crazy months. This month has been cRaZy for me, but I’m still here – and you’re still here – and this blog is still here. Nice when there’s something to hang on to, like visual reality. 😅😬😝 Great, now I sound like my mother. That’s fine, though. This post is going […]

And Then Life Changed

Last Sunday the 28th, my grandpa James Clark McCall died. So of course I didn’t do a post Monday … or the rest of the week. I’ve been dropping commitments left and right over this, actually! This is basically going to be a short post in memory of my grandpa, who played an important central […]

It’s My Birthday, And I’ll Post If I Want To

HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEEE! HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEE! I’M A BIT OF A NARCISSIST. HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO MEEEE! POST IF I WANT TO, POST IF I WANT TO! (You would post, too, if it happened to you!) (Which is has at least a couple times in your life …) (The real question is, WHY DO […]

A Review of California

From the 10th through the 14th of March, we were in California. Oceanside, California, to be more exact. Actually, if we want to be 100% exact, we were on Camp Pendleton (my brother-in-law’s a Marine). I’ve already done this before and talked about it on my blog, so when I was trying to think of […]

Cover Reveal: The Dressmaker’s Secret and Ivy Introspective

That’s right, ladies and gentleman! And now, the event you’ve been looking forward to since the day you were born …. Okay, perhaps you haven’t been waiting that long, but several of you have commented in such a way that led to me to believe that there was some excitement about the launching of the […]

5 (Absolutely True) Facts about Redheads

As you probably know (because I paste my face all over the internet like a conceited monkey), I have red hair. Well, it’s actually more auburn, but red is red is red. Even if it’s not. There are a lot of myths floating around about redheads. For instance, some people believe all redheads are witches. […]

Completely Random Updates

Yesterday, I went through my list of post ideas and tried to pick one that would be perfect to publish today. I considered writing about how you should write, but I just posted about naming characters. I consider rambling about my books, but I’ve done that way too much already. Then I considered not posting. […]

Tips for Reading

Hi guys! I decided it’d be fun to write a random post today. I know most of you love reading, so this will be right up your alley. Tips about eating! No, wait … reading. Sorry. I’m sick, so I haven’t eaten much today, and eating makes me sick, but I keep thinking there must […]

February 2017 Spotlight: Goals and Titles (Again)

Sorry about the post being so late, guys. I’ve been distracted … by How to Train Your Dragon. What? I need to spend more time with my brothers, so … okay, you’ve got me; I like HTTYD. Then I’ve been in this kinda mood these last couple days: And my family is like this: And […]