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Reveries Co. Blog Tour Wrapup

And here we are … the final day for the blog tour! 🤪😶😱😯 Never have five days flown so fast … and I’ve been crazy busy! This is the last day to score HUGE discounts from our service providers! Click here to check them out! Just so you know, you can still enter giveaways and whatnot […]

Beyond Her Calling, Blog Tour: Wrapup

Welcome to the blog tour wrapup post! Here you’ll find the giveaway winner … so hurry up to see if it’s you! Remember, all the links to the blogs are in this one, so this is a great place to recap! Find the posts you want to read here! We’ll get back to business soon-ish, […]

What Does It Take to Assemble a Blog Tour?

I’ve been complimented a lot on how much work I’ve been doing lately what with the multiple blog tours running – one being my own! And though I appreciate the encouragement – it is encouraging, indeed! – it doesn’t feel … merited to me? A lot of the things I do are automatic. But for […]

Body by Blood: Blog Tour Wrapup

Body by Blood‘s blog tour is over! And Kell (and this blog) gets a break for a couple weeks to focus on things other than blog tours. 😉 Also, I know I haven’t been super consistent about posting other than these blog tour beginnings and endings. But that shall change! I have an update at the […]

Fate of the Watchman: Blog Tour Wrapup

HEY Y’ALL! It’s time for the wrap-up of Fate of the Watchman! So excited that the first of my Ambassador International tours is concluded. Scroll to the end of the post to see the winner of the giveaway! It might just be you! Remember: the cover reveal for Beyond Her Calling is today on Facebook! […]

An Interview with Faith Blum

Today we have an interview with Faith Blum! It’s a great interview where Faith provides some answers to questions about Sing a Wondrous Story and her writing process. While you’re here, remember the giveaway is still running! Be sure to enter now for a chance to win the prize! On an unrelated note, I have […]

Writers: Push Introversion Aside for a Day

Hello writers! I’m not the only introvert here, am I? I thought not. Extroverted writers exist – and in fact, I know quite a few! – but they’re less common than introverts. That’s because writing is a solitary sport. For that reason, it’s not really a big deal if writers are introverts. In fact, it’s […]

The Reluctant Godfather: Blog Tour Wrapup!

Wow … that blog tour sure flew by!The Reluctant Godfather is officially relaunched, new cover and all! And I have still not bought a copy. *sobs* Oh well … soon! Before you head off, let me tell you what this post is about. There’s going to be some giveaway winner announcements. There’s going to be some links to […]

The Thief, the Damsel, and the Dragon: Blog Tour Wrapup

Well, it’s happened! Angela R. Watts‘s The Thief, the Damsel, and the Dragon is officially launched! And that was the first time I hosted a blog tour for money. *gasps* #somercenary And don’t worry … we’ll be back to our schedule at this! I’m planning some fun posts, so definitely stay tuned for that. Also, I just want to say […]

The Thief, the Damsel, and the Dragon: Blog Tour Kickoff!

Well, it’s happening! My dear friend Angela R. Watts is publishing her first book – a contemporary romance novella, The Thief, the Damsel, and the Dragon! I had the privilege of beta-reading … and now of hosting the blog tour! Now before you run off … there’s a giveaway as well as tons of fun […]

Well, who won the giveaway?

A quick service announcement before we get into a blog tour which starts today! The winner of the following six historical romances in paperback … Is …

Welcome to Reveries (Giveaway + Blog Tour)!

Well, ladies and gentlemen, it’s finally happened! Reveries has moved to a self-hosted blog, and here we are! Whether you’re an old follower or a new one, I’m so excited to have you here. Some things are changing … but don’t worry! It’ll be the same old posts from the same old me (no, I […]