TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 6

Here I am on this glorious (103 degree) Sunday afternoon, writing this post and wishing I was in England. Where 80 degrees is a heat wave, according to one of my English friends. Or Scotland. I’d rather be in Scotland than England, to be honest. Or Ireland. Either one. Seriously, though, I don’t mind the […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 5

It’s release day! *excited dancing* You can now purchase IvIn in Kindle. (Not that I expect you to, but that it is a possibility.) Paperback may take a while to get out, perhaps upwards of a couple days, but it will eventually. (Sorry for the delay … once again, busyness abounds!) For the release day, not […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 4

Day 4 has finally arrived, and today I’ve made some slight changes in the way this tour will be running. So, without further ado, I’ll be telling you about them. Because I don’t believe in keeping poor, innocent readers waiting. Vlogs will be every other day instead of every day. I’m sorry, but don’t you […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 3

Duh-duh-duuuuuh! It’s day 3! I’m afraid the vlog will be out a little late today (I’ll add it to this post and then publish it on my social media as soon as I can), but the rest is up and running for your enjoyment. Although … I’m not sure “up and running” is the correct […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 2

Annnnnd it’s Day 2! *everyone celebrates* *dancing in the streets* *salsa splashes everywhere* *its a salsa party* I … have no idea what any of that was about. So … yeah. Lots of .. salsa. I don’t even like salsa. #hatestomatoes #notaspicyperson So, today we have a couple fun posts, an informative vlog (don’t worry; they […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 1

Hello, all! Welcome to day 1 of the blog tour of Ivy Introspective and The Dressmaker’s Secret. I can’t believe there are only four days until the book launch! Today you can pre-order Ivy Introspective on Kindle while The Dressmaker’s Secret is available in both paperback and Kindle on Amazon (though print may take a while […]

Pub Prep

Well, that was a dumb title, wasn’t it? Oh, be quiet. I can title my posts whatever I want to title my posts. It’s blogger’s prerogative. Assuming I used that word correctly. *glares at everyone who questions my vocabulary* Pub Prep is short for “Publishing Preparation,” which is what I’m doing right now. (And you […]

25 Spoiler-Free Facts About The Dressmaker’s Secret

This post was inspired by Victoria Lynn, my fellow author and friend. Also, I think Abigayle Claire, author of Martin Hospitality (a book I keep meaning to buy a copy of and read), did something like this? I can’t remember. Anyway, lots of people inspired me to do this (although Victoria was the main one), and […]

Cover Reveal: The Dressmaker’s Secret and Ivy Introspective

That’s right, ladies and gentleman! And now, the event you’ve been looking forward to since the day you were born …. Okay, perhaps you haven’t been waiting that long, but several of you have commented in such a way that led to me to believe that there was some excitement about the launching of the […]

Completely Random Updates

Yesterday, I went through my list of post ideas and tried to pick one that would be perfect to publish today. I considered writing about how you should write, but I just posted about naming characters. I consider rambling about my books, but I’ve done that way too much already. Then I considered not posting. […]

What’s up with TDS?

The short answer to the title question is, “Important stuff.” However, I was never one for simplicity. (Actually, I am, but that’s beside the point.) The point is (wait, aren’t statements in parenthesis technically barred from the main text?) that I need a subject for a spotlight, and you need to know what’s going on […]

March 2017 Dares

Hello all! Time for another dares post, but first we’re trying something new. -February Highlights- Went to California to visit my sister and her family for a week. Pictures coming Wednesday! Although not very good pictures. I also made some observations about humankind while I was down there (basically, I spied on random people and […]