February 2017 Spotlight: Goals and Titles (Again)
Sorry about the post being so late, guys. I’ve been distracted … by How to Train Your Dragon. What? I need to spend more time with my brothers, so … okay, you’ve got me; I like HTTYD. Then I’ve been in this kinda mood these last couple days: And my family is like this: And […]
A Quick Works-in-Progress Update
Today I’m going to update you on my current projects as briefly as I can, just to give you an idea what I’m working on now. Seriously, guys, I promise to be brief. Like, super brief. Like, I’m probably spending more time explaining it than I will on the actual post. Before we go on to that, I […]
Focus … and Re-Focus …
Well, guys, I’ve made a tough decision. I’m going to focus on editing/revising Ivy Introspective and The Dressmaker’s Secret for these next couple months to the exclusion of all other projects. What does that mean? No more Flowers?! Well, I’ve almost finished the story, and I think I need a second opinion to keep going. […]
Beyond Her Calling Plot Reveal and the Final Q&A Vlog
Today I’m going to be telling you a little about one of my current WIPs, Beyond Her Calling (The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 4). I haven’t been sharing very much information with you up until now … but I think it’s time. Here’s my first attempt at a blurb: After Alice’s marriage and […]
A Bunch of Random (Fun!) Updates
This post will just be updating you on a lot of random (and hopefully fun) stuff as it says in the title. Be sure to like, comment, and share. Trust me, the fun is really fun. (Hint: pretty big discounts on my novels!) Hi folks! Guess what? I published my first story on Noble Novels! […]
On Sprinters, Elections, and NaNo
First, I just want to say I’m amazed by the amount of support I got when publishing The Lady of the Vineyard. Thank you all a million times! I hope I’ll be there for you in the same way if you ever publish (or when you do again). Okay now … let’s do ’em in […]
Dares for September 2016
Hi everyone! You remember this post? I hope you do, because I’m not going to explain monthly dares again. Okay, allow me to tell you how my dares for August went!
Dares for August 2016 Reading Read ten books. Check! But one of those books has to be Persuasion. Check! And another one has to be […]
Character Studies ~ Family
Well, believe it or not, it’s time for another Character Studies! A quick refresher: Character Studies is a monthly character interview hosted by Morgan Dusky @Studies in Characters. Morgan’s blog has been taken over by her characters, and these eleven are a lot of fun! You should totally check out her (or rather their!) blog. […]
August 2016 Spotlight ~ Character Theme Songs and Important Updates
One of my dearest friends in the blogging world is Lana from The Music of Words. Which is a great blog, by the way. one of the few I actually read through every word of every post. *guilty grin* Anyways, moving on … Lana started doing this thing recently called ‘spotlights.’ She’s done two so far […]
Happy Birthday to Meeeeeee!
Okay, first of all, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY OMG I’M FIFTEEN I CAN DRIVE AAAAAAH THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING TO MEEEEE THIS IS JUUUUUST A DREEEEEAAAAM!!!! #subtlecarrieunderwoodreference Anyway, in celebration, I invite you to … buy a copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret. On Amazon, Createspace, or Barnes&Nobles. What? I’m totally just kidding … sorta. Seriously, […]
Dares for August 2016
When I was walking into Spooky’s (local pizza place) a week or so back with the fam, I was stopped by someone shouting, “Hey, you!” I turned to the sound of the “Hey, you.” (I tend to respond to them …) She, a girl about my age: *makes eye contact* “Do you remember me?” Me: […]
Renaming “Beyond the Wall”
Hi guys! Just so you know, I wrote this post last Friday and scheduled it for today … I’m on vacation in Bend, Oregon, right now! I’ll be back this afternoon, though! There are thousands upon thousands of books named Beyond the Wall. Ok, maybe that’s an exaggeration, but there are pages of books […]