Many years ago (in August 2016), I started a trend on my blog called “Dares.” (See my cringey first-ever post and explanation of the name here.) Every month, I’d post a wrap-up of the previous months and “dare” myself to do a list of things in the month to come.
It was actually kind of fun. And totally suited to my personality.
Now, I stopped doing that for a variety of reasons. As far as I can tell, this was my last Dares post (May 2020), which checks out, but I could be wrong. Also, literally no one commented on that last post, so y’all should go over there and pretend to be from 2020 and make me feel popular again.
UPDATE: actually, I was wrong – I posted a Dares post at beginning of June 2020, even though it was an irregular Dares post. But I like my joke about everyone commenting on my old post so much that I’m leaving it in. Kassie Angle commented on that post, so the joke doesn’t work.
I further DID wrap up my June and July at the end of July-ish, so it wasn’t a loose thread. I just suddenly stopped calling them Dares. I guess I was too mature for that in 2020.
Good thing I’m even less mature now.
Also, I found this post which means I am now FOUR years post-graduation, and I cannot believe that.
Okay, I guess in October I also called my goals “dares.” I just didn’t title the post as such. And I mentioned doing dares in my 2021 intro post, too, so … I don’t know. #Let’s Just Keep The False Narrative Alive #All You Knew Was A Lie
#Reality Is An Illusion The Universe Is A Hologram Buy Gold Bye
Obviously what I’m trying to say is DARES ARE RETURNING, and this is the post in which they are returning.
#The Other Thing We’re Bring Back Is Words After A Hashtag That Are All Capitalized But Not Stuck Together For Some Reason # Gosh I Was So Cringey #But You Know What # I Still Am
Let’s get right into it.
Since I am starting this afresh, I will for now not post official “dares” wrap-ups yet. Usually I’ll do a monthly wrap-up, but since I already do that on my newsletter, well, you can give me a follow if you want monthly wrap-ups. These posts will be mostly for the dares and related thoughts.
This has been a rough month, and April wasn’t a lot better, and June itself promises to be crazily busy and full of lots of awful things.
However, I’m determined to do what I have to do, even if that happens to make me a little miserable. Life ain’t about being happy, after all.
June 2022 Dares
I dare myself to …
- Complete another round of revisions on my novel, The Duke’s Twin.
- My idea is to strengthen the Christian themes which are kind of lagging. Hopefully, I’ll be able to do so, potentially with an editor’s help.
- Finish the paperback formatting for the Kees & Colliers series.
- Yes, I’m still behind on these! Paperback formatting has proven a pain, and it’s taking a long time for Matthew to set up the programs I need to do it.
- Contact Amazon as they’ve messed up the new edition transfers.
- I don’t know how they keep doing this, but it needs fixed.
- Call the soccer league again at the end of the month.
- I want to coach my niece, but that’s proven challenging. Communication is not the strong point of most people in my town.
- Keep up on Bible-reading.
- I have a couple studies I’m doing, but it feels like I’m always running behind on them! I’m determined to prioritize Bible-reading this month, though.
- Don’t forget that it’s just a season of life.
- I’m going to be busy in June. Super busy. And I know that this will make me feel trapped, and that will make me feel like running, and I’ll sink into the panic of someone who would always rather be working on her own things. However, since that can’t be the case, I need to keep it in the forefront of my mind that the business is primarily going to be training and figuring out the balance, and that’s okay.
Further Thoughts on June 2022
This is the month I start my new job, which is as “SHIBA coordinator.” SHIBA stands for, “Statewide Health Insurance Benefits Advisors,” and this particular program is run through the Senior Center where my dad is currently the director.
I have a LOT of training to do, but if that all goes well, I’ll be advising seniors on unpacking their health insurance benefits and managing the volunteers who do the same. There are some other related duties, but that’s the basics of it.
I’m not sure how this will go, but I’m hopeful. I want to do my best with this job – plus it helps that I do need the money. I’m hopeful it’ll be a job I can balance with the other things in my life in the long term.
In the meantime, I’m determined to keep my wits about me as much as possible. So we’ll see how that goes!
If you blog/send out emails, do you do any kind of monthly wrap-up? What’s your favorite format and what kinds of things do you really like to see?
14 Responses
I love your humour XD XD
Thank you! Awfully glad to hear it.
I think you’ll do great on your dares this month!
Thanks, Amie!
Hi Kellyn! I’m Lily. Your asides are so funny! I hope you’re able to meet your goal— I mean, ‘dares’ this month!
P.s I feel ya on the paperback formatting lol. It can be a headache!
Thank you, Lily! Glad to meet you! (You share a name with one of my favorite characters … well, she’s my own character, but she’s no-less my favorite!)
Oh wow! I don’t think I come across a lot of characters with my name lol.
Haha, Finn is my character, but I count him as a favorite too
Yes, I have a Lillian who goes by Lilli! Not quote Lily, and not quite Lillian Keith, but you know. Close.
Yes, I feel like if our characters are our favorites, then they’re better characters for it!
Lol, close enough!

Great dares! My dares this month: 1) keep up on the Bible study; 2) get a great start on 100-for-100 writing challenge; 3) get WIF Camp prepped and the sign-ups posted on time; 4) get blog articles prepped and scheduled for July; 5) get some things better organized in certain areas of my home.
Awesome goals/dares/et cetera!
I really want to do a version of the 100-for-100 but enough has come up lately that I have nothing set up and will of course be a bit behind.
I’m rooting for you! Anytime you need sprints or a nudge, just let me know.
Thank you! I definitely will. (And same to you, of course!)