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Let’s Talk about Wild Blue Wonder Press

Wild Blue Wonder Press is launched, and I realized I haven’t officially chatted about it on my blog, so here we go. Wild Blue Wonder Press has always been my main imprint, but I’ve wanted it to be something more, well, forever! In particular, I wanted it to serve as a way to help indie […]

After Our Castle is Launched (+ ENTER THE GIVEAWAY!!!)

Today I’m going to share an Instagram post I shared this Monday because I really liked it. The day after launch day is always a good day to reflect. To think back on previous books in the series and to wonder. What was, what is, and what could have been. I like to stare at […]

6-Year Blogiversary

I just wanted to post here really quickly and say … I’ve been blogging for six years. And for a twenty-year-old, that’s a lot of my life! This blog has lasted through high school, my first job(s), learning to drive and getting my license, every book launch I’ve done, my first and second/last boyfriends, and […]

I’m Back On the Blog … And I’m Married!

Heyyyyy, y’all! I’m back and ready to blog! Though we’ll see how long I keep at it. 😛 My new goal is to post on this blog every other week (on Wednesdays except when special events come up). Today, I’m sharing some wedding photos, stories, and other updates of my life! It’s a bit of […]

5 Reasons to Follow Tales of the Lonely Sun (Blog Tour + Guest Post)

Today I’m doing a blog tour … only it’s something different. It’s a blog blog tour. (E.g. a blog tour for a blog launch.) And now that I’ve said “blog” waaay too many times … I’ll swap over to talking about the blog itself! Tales of the Lonely Sun is the name of the blog […]

New Blog Schedule & Other Changes to Reveries

You may be clicking on this post with some trepidation. I mean, I would be, too. What reason have you to trust me? I’ve let you down so many times. It’s been a couple months since I’ve been able to consistently stick to a schedule on Reveries, and even before then, it was rough. And […]

The Reveries Redirection {Once Again}

“The Reveries Redirection,” you say. “Once again,” you say. “What da heck is going on with Kell,” you say. You may say all these things, but if you want answers, read this post. Okay, that was a dumb gimmick. Basically, I have some stuff to talk about – my blog is having a CONTENT makeover-ish […]

I’m Looking for Guest Posts!

Hi there readers! As you probably know, I’m Kellyn Roth, the author of Reveries (this blog). I’ve been blogging since September 2015, and it’s been quite the journey. I’ve gone from writing for my mom and a few friends to an audience of over a  thousand who actively engage in my silly posts. (God has […]

What I’m Trying to Learn About Prioritization

Prioritization. I’m not so good that. It’s much more fun to skip from project to project, to work on the least important thing, to live life without a plan … At least, it is for me. Other people feel differently and are better at planning and scoping out their life. I’m just not one of […]