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At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour & Launch, Day 7 – Mothers

Y’all, we now have just one more official launch day date before we dive into the wrapups, and wow … how has it already been almost the full week!? I’m really excited for today’s post, although it’ll be brief, because we’re able to talk about mothers … and I love talking about mothers. Particularly two […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour & Launch, Day 6 – Siblings

Okay, so I don’t know if you know this, but Alice and Ivy have not one, not two, but for younger siblings! And I kind of count Nettie’s three in that number, too. So why not have a day dedicated to introducing them? I’ve always wanted to talk about them more, but there never seemed […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour & Launch, Day 5 – Themes

Today is day 5 of the blog tour, and we’re talking themes! But before we get into it, I just want to say … thank you so much for your incredible support so far. This is a very complicated, crazy, and overall rough time in my life. I’m really struggling here! But your incredible encouragement […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour & Launch, Day 2 – Introducing Alice

Y’all, we’re here. It’s day 2 of the At Her Fingertips blog tour (which also goes by the name “Introducing Alice”). Other than the ongoing Instagram tour, blog posts, and giveaway, I’ll also be introducing Alice in a few words. <3 So let’s do it! ABOUT THE BOOK She’s willing to do anything to follow […]

At Her Fingertips, Blog Tour & Launch, Day 1 – Introduction

Hello everyone! Believe it or not … At Her Fingertips will be live on Amazon this Saturday, and you will be able to purchase it or borrow it on Kindle Unlimited … which is beyond exciting. It’s so weird to think that I’ve finally done it. I finished my rewrites. The book will finally be […]

Are You Ready for a 5-Year Blogiversary? (Giveaway, Facebook Party, & More!)

Even if you’re not ready, well, you don’t have a choice in the matter because, like it or not, five years ago I founded my blog, then (and for many years) called Reveries. Now it’s called: Which is very pretty, too. At least, in my opinion. Anywho, to celebrate, I decided I MUST DO SOMETHING […]

More than a Second Chance by Lisa Renee {Blog Tour Wrapup}

And now … it’s time for the wrapup post for More than a Second Chance by Lisa Renee! I’m excited to share all the awesome posts with you. As of the time I’m writing this (Sunday night), I’m at 55k for NaNoWriMo. Isn’t that exciting?! This book is really coming along. Okay, now are you […]

Blog Tour Posts for Kees & Colliers Once Again

Some more blog tour posts? you say. That’ll be boring, you say. WELL, THINK AGAIN, BECAUSE SOME OF MY FAVORITE POSTS ARE INCLUDED, MATE! Really, though, this post can serve other purposes. For instance, it can remind you to ENTER THE AWESOME GIVEAWAY or simply check out my books, if that’s your thing. 😏😝 So […]

The Kees & Colliers Blog Tour {Giveaway Included!}

Welcome to the blog tour and announcement and giveaway launch pad all rolled into one post! I’ve been “out of the office,” per se, but I had to pop on to make this post … and let you know what’s going on. This isn’t your average blog tour, but it’s still gonna be a fun […]

Souls Astray, Blog Tour Wrapup

Are you ready for the blog tour wrapup? This post has all the details for the blog posts – as well as links to the continuing giveaways (the main one plus multiple on Facebook). Also … wow. Thank you all for your support! It was really flattering. This has been my most lowkey blog tour […]