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I’m Looking for Guest Posts!

Hi there readers! As you probably know, I’m Kellyn Roth, the author of Reveries (this blog). I’ve been blogging since September 2015, and it’s been quite the journey. I’ve gone from writing for my mom and a few friends to an audience of over a  thousand who actively engage in my silly posts. (God has […]

5 Reasons You Should Read A Return of Devotion by Kristi Ann Hunter

Hey y’all! Today I’ve got a review of A Return of Devotion by Kristi Ann Hunter … only with a twist. It’s not written in typical review format—instead, I’m writing it as “reasons you should read it” + some further thoughts. There’s also a vlog + some updates about my vlog at the end of […]

A Fish + My Crazy Life + More Delays

We all have ’em … crazy months. This month has been cRaZy for me, but I’m still here – and you’re still here – and this blog is still here. Nice when there’s something to hang on to, like visual reality. 😅😬😝 Great, now I sound like my mother. That’s fine, though. This post is going […]

5 Times You Can Sneak Writing In

When you’re super busy, it can be hard to find time to write! I know as a recent high school grad with a part-time job, lots of volunteer work, and some non-writing hobbies, it can be hard to budget my sit-down-stare-at-the-cursor-blinking minutes in. But sometimes I just need to think outside of the box! So […]

December & 2017 Reading Round-Up

Hi there! Long time no see! *nervous gulp* Well, y’all are gonna thank me for my (unannounced) hiatus in the long run. Because it gave me time to think.* And … I decided that I needed to take Reveries Reviews in a new direction. (Sort of.) From now on, I’ll be doing monthly reading wrap-up […]

How 2018 Will (Hopefully) Go

Hello Ladies and Gents! It’s finally time to list my goals for the New Year (as well as my January 2018 Dares). Are you as pumped for 2018 as I am?! However, before we begin, I’d like to invite you to beta-read At Her Fingertips! I talked about this at the end of the last […]

Update #3 + We Need You Questions! (again)

Happy Wednesday, people reading this post (even if you’re not reading it on Wednesday)! Yes, this is another post that’s getting out a wee bit late. Well, if you’re not in Pacific time (which most people I know online aren’t for whatever reason). Here, it’s not that late. (Or at least I don’t think so; […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 3

Duh-duh-duuuuuh! It’s day 3! I’m afraid the vlog will be out a little late today (I’ll add it to this post and then publish it on my social media as soon as I can), but the rest is up and running for your enjoyment. Although … I’m not sure “up and running” is the correct […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 2

Annnnnd it’s Day 2! *everyone celebrates* *dancing in the streets* *salsa splashes everywhere* *its a salsa party* I … have no idea what any of that was about. So … yeah. Lots of .. salsa. I don’t even like salsa. #hatestomatoes #notaspicyperson So, today we have a couple fun posts, an informative vlog (don’t worry; they […]

TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 1

Hello, all! Welcome to day 1 of the blog tour of Ivy Introspective and The Dressmaker’s Secret. I can’t believe there are only four days until the book launch! Today you can pre-order Ivy Introspective on Kindle while The Dressmaker’s Secret is available in both paperback and Kindle on Amazon (though print may take a while […]

Beyond Her Calling Plot Reveal and the Final Q&A Vlog

Today I’m going to be telling you a little about one of my current WIPs, Beyond Her Calling (The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 4). I haven’t been sharing very much information with you up until now … but I think it’s time. Here’s my first attempt at a blurb: After Alice’s marriage and […]

In Which I Fail at Vlogging. Again.

Dear Reader, Unfortunately for you, I attempted vlogging again. Yep. That’s right. I made a vlog post today. I made three, actually. All on the same subject. The subject being ‘general author updates.’ The first time, I forgot what I was talking about. The second time, my brothers dived behind me and danced. The third […]