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May 2020 Wrapup & Summer 2020 Dares

Welcome to June! Can you believe it? I know I’m struggling to comprehend the fact that … IT IS SUMMER 2020! This year is going so fast, and I can’t seem to keep a grasp on it. So, ladies and germs, I have nothing to say that I haven’t said every month (they’re sort of […]

I Have My Mom to Thank for Being a Writer

Today I wanted to write a very brief post (as it is the day before Mother’s Day!) explaining briefly why I have my mom to thank for being a writer. This won’t be a gushy post full of sentiment, as I’m incapable of such a thing, but it definitely includes some logical reasons why I […]

Ivy Introspective Is With the Editor! Now What?

As of this Sunday, Ivy Introspective is now with her editor. It took me waaaay too long to actually finish my own edits, but I’ve finally done it – and it’s out of my hands. Until the beginning of June, I don’t have to think about it. Which begs the question … now what? I […]

My Ever-Changing Camp NaNo Project

Halfway through the month, and I still feel like I’ve done nothing, but that isn’t exactly true. 😉 In reality, I’ve done a lot – it’s just not mostly been on my Camp NaNo project. I’ve been working on Reveries Co. and on my email lists and on various projects of that sort, so my […]

My Key to Recovering from Finishing a Long Project

Hey readers! Look at me, posting on the right day and on time! 😉 I’m practically an Expert™, and I will hear no objections. Kell = professional = great blogger. Now, here’s the dealio: I recently finished Ivy Introspective, and as soon as I was done, I realized my imaginary characters had stopped talking to […]

The Dressmaker’s Secret Events – Everything You Might Have Missed

The Dressmaker’s Secret is now out into the world. You can purchase it on Amazon and review it on Amazon and … yeah, no, that’s about it. You can buy a signed paperback copy, too, if that’s your thing. 😉 But let’s not delay. Let’s wrapup what’s been up! First, let’s check out all the […]

5 Reasons to Follow Tales of the Lonely Sun (Blog Tour + Guest Post)

Today I’m doing a blog tour … only it’s something different. It’s a blog blog tour. (E.g. a blog tour for a blog launch.) And now that I’ve said “blog” waaay too many times … I’ll swap over to talking about the blog itself! Tales of the Lonely Sun is the name of the blog […]

Does Writing Advice Put a Damper on Our Creativity?

Recently, I’ve seen writers talking about how writing advice, story craft, and other tips and tricks for writing a better novel are useless. In their way of seeing it, writing advice tends to lead to formulaic stories, sub-parr novels, and writers not seeking a certain “it” factor. Writers don’t need advice — they need to […]

How to Turn Your Plot Points into Scenes {yes, another outlining post}

I was going to let outlining rest now and post about something else, but a question a friend commented kept niggling at the back of my head. And I just couldn’t let it go. In an article a few weeks ago, I discussed my current, complicated outlining method, but I totally neglected to give tips […]

Lessons Learned from Not Writing

I haven’t not been writing for more than a few days altogether in a long time. I just write like that — in bulk, pushing myself as far as I can go. But now I’m not writing. In fact, I’m not doing a lot of the things I have always been pushing myself to do. […]

10K 1Day (how did I do that again?)

Hello folks! Kell here. At the beginning of July, I wrote 10,000 words in one day (10k 1Day). I wanted to do this several times this month, but so far I’ve only accomplished it once. Still, that’s good as I have never written 10k in a 1 day except during NaNoWriMo (the main event not […]

Blog Tour Posts for Kees & Colliers Once Again

Some more blog tour posts? you say. That’ll be boring, you say. WELL, THINK AGAIN, BECAUSE SOME OF MY FAVORITE POSTS ARE INCLUDED, MATE! Really, though, this post can serve other purposes. For instance, it can remind you to ENTER THE AWESOME GIVEAWAY or simply check out my books, if that’s your thing. 😏😝 So […]