A watercolor illustration of a typewriter with a note on it.

Lilacs and Reveries

  We’ve all struggled with it. Character naming. There’s nothing quite so tortuous as this monster (except perhaps book-titling, but that’s not what we’re talking...

Title: Mercer Street Author: John A. Heldt Series: American Journey, #2 Genre: Time Travel Romance (Science Fiction) Era: contemporary and 1938 (pre-WW2) Setting: United States...

Whoa. It’s … it’s May already? But … but … I wasn’t finished with April yet! *sobs* I WANT MORE APRIL!!! I want to spend...

I don’t cry a lot. And when I do, I’m usually not crying about one thing so much as a bunch of things. But yes,...

Well, it’s time for another round of mini reviews! 😀 Amazing Grace by Faith Blum 3/5 stars I was really looking forward to this book,...

Most of my reviews are of historical fiction … more specifically, Christian historical romance novels. I primarily read this genre for the following reasons: I...

Yesterday was Easter, and now we have a very light week of school as my dad’s on vacation (#homeschoolcool). And let me tell you, I...

That’s right! The final part of Flowers has finally arrived. Are you excited? Crying? Regurgitating? Biting your nails? Rolling your eyes and returning to your...

Title: Only Children Chase Sawdust Author: Willowy Whisper Genre: Christian Historical Adventure Era: Pioneer-era (maybe early 1800s? Mid-1800s?) Setting: United States Publisher: Willowy Whisper Source:...

Title: Emmeline Author: Sarah Holman Series: Vintage Jane Austen (multi-author series) Genre: Christian Historical Fiction (light romance/classic retelling) Era: early 1930s (Great Depression) Setting: a...

When you read that title, you probably rolled your eyes a little. “Oh, no, now she’s doing boring ol’ history posts. Reveries is going to...

Well, ladies and gents, it’s time for part 5 of our serial story, Flowers. There’s just one more part to go after this! Can you...

Picture of Kellyn Roth

Kellyn Roth

Welcome to the haven of rest, random ramblings, and ridiculous rhetoric of Kellyn Roth, a historical fiction authorpreneur.

This blog also goes by the name ‘Lilacs & Reveries.’

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