How the Hilton Legacy Fits into The Chronicles of Alice & Ivy ~ Like a Ship on the Sea Launch Tour

Hey folks! Today I’m getting into TIMELINE very briefly for those of you who have read and enjoyed The Chronicles of Alice & Ivy. Before that, here’s the normal launch tour stuff . . . About Like a Ship on the Sea If God asks you to confront a storm, how dare you stay in […]
The 2023 Alice & Ivy Read-Along

Hello everyone! Simply put, let’s do a read-along. (Or re-read-along, as the case may be! Both situations are welcome.) ABOUT THE READ-ALONG I’m host a fun read-along running from March to September of 2023. We’ll read the first five books and Becoming Miss Knight (novella) in preparation for Like a Ship on the Sea releasing […]
The Knights of Pearlbelle Park is Launched!

Hey folks! This will be a short-ish post, but I had to get on here and let you know my Christmas short story, The Knights of Pearlbelle Park, is now available on Amazon. It’s only $0.99 if you want to buy it, or you can borrow it for free on Kindle Unlimited. Also, for a […]
The Ivy Introspective Launch Wrapup

Well, that’s a wrap! The posts on various platforms are out. The reviews are up on Amazon and Goodreads. And I’ve got ’em all in this post! (Well, ish. Y’all can click through to Amazon and Goodreads if you want, but I didn’t link to every individual review.) I know I haven’t been as active […]
Introducing Ivy Knight (Ivy Introspective Book Launch)

A brief note from Kellyn Roth (the author): This post is written by Ivy Knight. However, I wanted to come in beforehand and say that this has been a crazy month! And nothing is getting done for various reason. I feel a ton of guilt over this, as always, and I’m doing what I can […]
The Ivy Introspective Blog & Instagram Tour

Hello, folks! Today I’d like to announce the Ivy Introspective launch tour AND bookstagram! The book came out today … that’s right! IT’S LIVE ON AMAZON! EEEK! I’m just … I’m in shock. How did this already happen?!?! Without further ado, here’s the blog tour and bookstagram info! About the Book In a world that […]
Ivy Introspective Is With the Editor! Now What?

As of this Sunday, Ivy Introspective is now with her editor. It took me waaaay too long to actually finish my own edits, but I’ve finally done it – and it’s out of my hands. Until the beginning of June, I don’t have to think about it. Which begs the question … now what? I […]
May 2020 Dares & April 2020 Wrapup

Hey everyone! Guess what!? It’s MAY! Okay, so, everyone is now complaining that April went on forreeevvveerrr, but time is FLYING for me. I’m not ready for May. I’m barely ready for February! I still feel like it’s 2018, and honestly, it’s so weird that it’s May of 2020. I feel like I’ve done nothing […]
My Ever-Changing Camp NaNo Project

Halfway through the month, and I still feel like I’ve done nothing, but that isn’t exactly true. 😉 In reality, I’ve done a lot – it’s just not mostly been on my Camp NaNo project. I’ve been working on Reveries Co. and on my email lists and on various projects of that sort, so my […]
April 2020 Dares & March 2020 Wrapup

Hey, only a week or so into April, and I’m already here! I’m getting better. Well, a little better. You know how tough it is to be on time when you’re busy … and stressed … and hiking way more than you ever have before … Everyone is going crazy, but I’ve chosen to stay […]
My Key to Recovering from Finishing a Long Project

Hey readers! Look at me, posting on the right day and on time! 😉 I’m practically an Expert™, and I will hear no objections. Kell = professional = great blogger. Now, here’s the dealio: I recently finished Ivy Introspective, and as soon as I was done, I realized my imaginary characters had stopped talking to […]
March 2020 Dares & February 2020 Wrapup

It’s the day after the Ides of March, and I’m just now publishing my dares post and February wrapup, and that’s sad but … I have an announcement! Ivy Introspective is done! It is written! It is edited! (Which I did in like a day … yeah!) And it is with the beta-readers! Yes, it […]