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Happy Birthday to Meeeeeee!

Okay, first of all, IT’S MY BIRTHDAY OMG I’M FIFTEEN I CAN DRIVE AAAAAAH THIS CAN’T BE HAPPENING TO MEEEEE THIS IS JUUUUUST A DREEEEEAAAAM!!!! #subtlecarrieunderwoodreference 😉 Anyway, in celebration, I invite you to … buy a copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret. On Amazon, Createspace, or Barnes&Nobles. What? I’m totally just kidding … sorta. Seriously, […]

Dares for August 2016

When I was walking into Spooky’s (local pizza place) a week or so back with the fam, I was stopped by someone shouting, “Hey, you!” I turned to the sound of the “Hey, you.” (I tend to respond to them …) She, a girl about my age: *makes eye contact* “Do you remember me?” Me: […]

The Lady of the Vineyard, Blog Tour Sign-ups

A few quick updates before we begin … Giving away an autographed copy of The Dressmaker’s Secret on Goodreads. Actually making progress on Ivy Introspective! 😀 I’ve chosen some titles for The Chronicles of Alice and Ivy, Book 4. Vote here! Still looking for beta-readers for The Lady of the Vineyard. Well, guys, it’s time […]

How to Start a Novel

Now, I’ve never really had problems with starting novels. Finishing them, yes, definitely. Starting them … not so much. It’s actually one of my worst habits, novel-starting. But a friend of mine asked me to write a post on starting novels … so here I am. I talked about this a little in my post […]

July Character Studies ~ Beliefs, Ideals, and Morals

Well, it’s time for another Character Studies! This time we have “Beliefs, Ideals, and Morals” for the subject. It’s a fun one. I’ve noticed that most people are doing unfeeling pessimists. Or perhaps that’s just me. At any rate, I’m doing a character I don’t know much about, so … maybe she’s an unfeeling pessimist. […]

The Viscount of Maisons-Laffitte by Jennie Goutet

Hi guys! I won’t be online for most of this week (we’re  going camping!), so there will be no posts Tuesday or Wednesday, and probably not Thursday either. We’ll see about Friday. Maybe an excerpt of The Lady of the Vineyard (which, by the way, I’ll be publishing September 10th of this year!), but we’ll […]

Updates: The Lady of the Vineyard and Ivy Introspective

Hello friends (and … random people I don’t know … and … I just made your presence awkward … well,  I guess you can stay anyway *sigh*)! Today I’m going to ramble on about my novels considerably, so … you’ve been warned. Let’s start with Ivy Introspective, because … well, I just want to. I have […]

June Character Studies ~ Comfort

Well, another Character Studies has come around! As some (most, that is) of you probably know, Character Studies is hosted by Morgan Dusky ( She has the coolest blog you ever saw! Her characters have (supposedly) possessed it, and they write the posts. Very entertaining (and informative). Today, as usual, I’ll be doing Parts 1 […]

Interview with Laurel Garver

Hello everyone! Today (or rather tonight) I’ll be interviewing Laurel Garver, author of Almost There. Her favorite color is plum, partially (or completely?) due to her love of our dear Professor (points for getting the reference!). You know, at some point you’re all going to have to call these points … Anyway, on with the interview!  * What’s […]

Almost There by Laurel Garver

Almost There by Laurel Garver Dani Deane, #2 Paris, the City of Lights. To seventeen-year-old Dani Deane, it’s the Promised Land. There, her widowed mother’s depression will vanish and she will no longer fear losing her only parent, her arty New York life, or her devoted boyfriend. But shortly before their Paris getaway, Dani’s tyrannical […]

A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason

A Worthy Heart by Susan Anne Mason Courage to Dream, #2 Can an Irish Lass with a Dream for America Find True Love? Maggie Montgomery’s long-held wish to see America is finally coming true. She’ll visit her beloved brother Rylan and his wife, Colleen, and at the same time, escape Neill Fitzgerald’s unwanted attention. In […]

Plot Construction 101: Falling Action (and Resolution)

We’ve come to the conclusion. Wait, I thought we just started this post! Indeed, we did, but this post is about conclusions. Oh, I understand now. Good. Then we can continue. The falling action is the wrapping-up of the novel; resolution is just another name for “conclusion.” It’s meant to be fairly short, as nothing […]