The Knights of Pearlbelle Park, Cover Reveal

Time for the cover reveal! That’s … that’s it. That’s the whole post. The Knights of Pearlbelle Park Enjoy Christmas with the Knights of Pearlbelle Park … Claire Knight‘s two youngest sons have come down with a mysterious illness just before Christmas, and she can’t focus on a thing but them, despite her many duties. Everything […]

After Our Castle is Launched (+ ENTER THE GIVEAWAY!!!)

Today I’m going to share an Instagram post I shared this Monday because I really liked it. The day after launch day is always a good day to reflect. To think back on previous books in the series and to wonder. What was, what is, and what could have been. I like to stare at […]

After Our Castle | Blog Tour Kick-Off

After Our Castle is launching this weekend, and I don’t really know what to say except “thank you.” Thank you to my street team, for being so sweet and kind. Thank you to my editors (Grace Johnson and Andrea Cox) for their dedication. Thank you to all the random people who have got excited (or […]

August 2022 Dares (and June and July 2022 Wrapup!)

I decided now was as good a time as any to wrap up June, July, and most of August! After all, why not? Why shouldn’t I do whatever the heck I want on my own blog? Summer months always seem to blend together for me, no matter what I do, and this summer has been […]

One Good Day Oughta Do Me Some Good

It’s been a challenging couple weeks. I won’t lie, despite the fact that my mother (hi mom!!! I’m on the internet!) and possibly a couple of my employers may read this. 😉 Thankfully, in general my employers (and mother) are familiar with my penchant for the dramatic, so hopefully they’ll be understanding of the desire […]

Romance is a Relationship—NOT a Genre | a guest post by Grace A. Johnson

Hey folks! Welcome to my blog! For the first time in a while, we have a terribly amazing blog post … a guest post by Grace A. Johnson, one of the most incredible people in the Christian fiction world right now. Grace A. Johnson is an author, thinker, and of course God-follower who was inspired […]

The Beyond Her Calling Relaunch Blog Tour | A Post about Ivy and Jordy

In today’s blog post, I’ll be talking about Jordy and Ivy, who are one of my favorite couples. I decided to spend a little time listing my favorite things about them. So let’s getting into it! My Favorite Things About Ivy Knight She’s super sweet & innocent. Yet I wouldn’t call her naïve, not exactly. […]

In Which Denial is Just a River, Really {2021 Wrapup & 2022 Goals}

Dear 2021, First of all, how dare you? Okay, but more seriously … I AM IN DENIAL. IT IS NOT 2022! I always feel a little gobsmacked by the new year, but this time, it feels doubly so. 2021 was a wild year. Like, I always say that, but this time, it is so true. […]

I’m Back On the Blog … And I’m Married!

Heyyyyy, y’all! I’m back and ready to blog! Though we’ll see how long I keep at it. 😛 My new goal is to post on this blog every other week (on Wednesdays except when special events come up). Today, I’m sharing some wedding photos, stories, and other updates of my life! It’s a bit of […]

Becoming Miss Knight needs help to launch!

Hello readers! As you know, Becoming Miss Knight is coming soon! However, for this launch, I didn’t have quite as much time to prep as I’d like (life got crazy). For this reason, I’m running a bit behind schedule and won’t have a normal blog tour, etc. However, I decided I’d still do all the […]