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TDS and IvIn Blog Tour: Day 3

Duh-duh-duuuuuh! It’s day 3! I’m afraid the vlog will be out a little late today (I’ll add it to this post and then publish it on my social media as soon as I can), but the rest is up and running for your enjoyment. Although … I’m not sure “up and running” is the correct […]

June 2017 Dares

GUYS! It’s June! Can you believe it? It’s like … the best month of the year! Besides August, of course. August is da best. #prejudiced Seriously, though, June marks the end of school and the beginning of summer. I love summer, and I expect a lot to happen in this one. Remember, we’ve got the […]

5 Things I Wish I’d Done Before I Published

Now, I’m not usually one to look back at past mistakes and actually care that I made those mistakes. In fact, I’m more of a, “Too bad, move on,” person. My selfishness, my maliciousness, and my utter lack of concern over the bad things I’d done is absolutely hideous. However, today I’m talking about what […]

5 (Absolutely True) Facts about Redheads

As you probably know (because I paste my face all over the internet like a conceited monkey), I have red hair. Well, it’s actually more auburn, but red is red is red. Even if it’s not. There are a lot of myths floating around about redheads. For instance, some people believe all redheads are witches. […]

Completely Random Updates

Yesterday, I went through my list of post ideas and tried to pick one that would be perfect to publish today. I considered writing about how you should write, but I just posted about naming characters. I consider rambling about my books, but I’ve done that way too much already. Then I considered not posting. […]

Five Once a Stratton Quirks

While writing my current works-in-progress, Once a Stratton, I’ve noticed a few things that just don’t add up … or are simply not supposed to be there. I decided, instead of calling them ‘errors,’ to call them ‘quirks.’ It’s my sneaky way of getting you to read about me being stupid without even knowing it. […]

May 2017 Dares

Whoa. It’s … it’s May already? But … but … I wasn’t finished with April yet! *sobs* I WANT MORE APRIL!!! I want to spend more time working on Once a Stratton. I want to have more time to work on IvIn and TDS. I don’t want more of this weather, though. Rain, rain, rain. […]

Moanings of a Brain Dead Teen

Yesterday was Easter, and now we have a very light week of school as my dad’s on vacation (#homeschoolcool). And let me tell you, I need it. My mind is a lot of spinning cogs and gears, all whirling a hundred miles a minute. When you throw in algebra mixed with shapes, ancient languages mixed with […]

March 2017 Spotlight: Sun Shadow ~ the Reveal

I have a Pinterest board that was for a while secret but has been public for several months now. It’s called “Sun Shadow,” which is presumably the title of a novel. Well, yes, it is. That board contains all sorts of stuff for a novel that I’m eventually going to write, Sun Shadow. You can […]

Tips for Reading

Hi guys! I decided it’d be fun to write a random post today. I know most of you love reading, so this will be right up your alley. Tips about eating! No, wait … reading. Sorry. I’m sick, so I haven’t eaten much today, and eating makes me sick, but I keep thinking there must […]

Kell in Cal(ifornia)

As most of you know, I took a trip to California with my parents last week. I took quite a few pictures while I was there, and today I’ll be sharing a few of them with you. However, before you move on to my excellent photography, I’d like to direct you attention to this poll. […]

March 2017 Dares

Hello all! Time for another dares post, but first we’re trying something new. -February Highlights- Went to California to visit my sister and her family for a week. Pictures coming Wednesday! Although not very good pictures. I also made some observations about humankind while I was down there (basically, I spied on random people and […]